The Compendium of Mitigation Measures for Flood Risk in Humanitarian Settlements has been developed in close collaboration between UNHCR, the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC), and ETH Zurich through the Geneva Technical Hub. While the research group Spatial Development and Urban Policy (SPUR) of Prof. Dr. David Kaufmann at ETH Zurich took the lead in developing the compendium, the work received invaluable support from various collaborators. In this regard, we would like to thank Ammar Al-Mahdawi, UNHCR, as the leader of this project. Moreover, we gratefully acknowledge the support of our UNHCR focal points and project coordinators Emilie Schmid and Eric Bardou. We also received invaluable input from Prof. Dr. Adrienne Grêt-Regamey, Chair of Planning Landscape and Urban Systems (PLUS) at ETHZ, and our external experts, Mrudhula Koshy, Diego Bermúdez, and Jonathan Parkinson. We would like to thank our graphic designers, Santiago Beaumé Pantoja and Paola Pabón, for the drawings and layout of this compendium, as well as André Eißer and his team from dotwerkstatt Berlin for building this online platform. We are also grateful for the support of the EAWAG Sandec team around Christoph Lüthi and Dorothee Spuhler for generously sharing their experience with building humanitarian compendiums. Finally, we thank all the other individuals, including our students from ETH Zurich, who have provided their input to this compendium: Annika Kunz, Cara Tobin, Elise Van Middelem, Erasmus Mseleku, Hazem Hreisha, Laura Schalbetter, Lara Sieger, Nadia Carlevaro, Nfamara K. Dampha, Philbert Mwumvane and all UNHCR settlement/shelter officers testing and improving the project, Philippe Reymond, Simon Landauer.

Lead Authors

Bruna Rohling, Dr. David Kostenwein, Mona Gairing, Prof. Dr. David Kaufmann
Spatial Development and Urban Policy, SPUR, Institute for Spatial and Landscape Development, ETH Zurich

Cite as: 

Rohling, Bruna; Kostenwein, David; Gairing, Mona; Nimri, Rama; Al-Mahdawi, Ammar; Schmid, Emilie; Bardou, Eric; Kaufmann, David (2023) Flood Risk in Humanitarian Settlements: Compendium of Mitigation Measures. Zurich: ETH Zürich, UNHCR. DOI: 10.3929/ethz-b-000645680